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The Lead Organisation for Disability Arts in Wales

HWB - News, Events and Opportunities

Our vision is for a creative and equal Cymru where Disabled and Deaf people are crucial to the arts of our nation.

We produce art that shares the lived experience of disability, we develop disabled and Deaf creative talent, and deliver disability access and inclusion training.


Disability arts should be given equal recognition within the arts and disabled artists should have barrier-free access to opportunities.​​​

The social model explains that people are not disabled by their impairment or difference, but instead are disabled by the barriers in society that limit our access to take part.

This puts the responsibility on wider society to include disabled people and create access by removing barriers, whether these are physical barriers or negative attitudes.

What is the Social Model
of Disability?

DAC is disability-led and focused. We work to the social model of disability and see art as a platform that can challenge negative attitudes, educate about social barriers, and create accessible futures.

We currently support a network of over 400 members.

Learn more:

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