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BEEP Painting Biennial - Elysium Gallery & Aberystwyth University

Poster with pink and green writing, including the information from the post, on a dark red background with red and green rings like the rings of a vinyl record around the text.
Elysium Gallery, 09/11/24 - 21/12/24

BEEP Painting Biennial 2024, which includes work by several DAC Artists, will continue in Elysium Gallery, Swansea until Saturday 21 December. There will also be an Elysium Christmas and BEEP end of show party on Friday December 20 from 7pm, with live music from the Balkaneers!

Poster with pink and green writing, including the information from the post, on a dark red background with red and green rings like the rings of a vinyl record around the text.
Aberystwyth University, 13/01/25 - 04/04/25

In the new year, the exhibition will then be moving on to School of Art Gallery, Aberystwyth University, from 13 January to 4 April 2025.

"Beep originally started life in 2012 and was conceived by artist and elysium gallery director Jonathan Powell. It was borne out of a desire to bring a regular series of ambitious contemporary painting exhibitions to Wales embracing the best and most vital work being created today.

It aims to bring to Wales the best contemporary painting from across the globe, highlighting excellence in content, aesthetic, technique, and materials used. Beep also provides and nurtures an informative network for painters and people interested in contemporary painting by raising awareness of artists’ works and artist opportunities from across the UK and beyond.

The Beep Painting Prize 2024 exhibition features over 440 artists from around the world. All were asked to respond to the theme of ‘I won’t stay in a world without love’, a lyric taken from a discarded Beatles song.  This year there was a change to the application process designed to shake things up, include more artists and make the process easier for overseas artists in light of some of the obstacles caused by Brexit."

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